Friday, September 16, 2005

Great Thing about Living in South Africa #2

They drive on the other side of the road. Now, you may be saying, "Isnt that a bad thing? Doesnt that cause you to drive down the wrong side of the road?" The answer is yes, for 2-3 days this is a problem, and I have had a few near misses.

However, what I have still not gotten used to, is where the driver side door is. Thus, I frequently walk to the passenger side, unlock the door, and open it only to find no steering wheel. This around the time that Kylie smiles at me, and says "Oh, you opened the door for me! Thanks!" I realize my error, but simply smile, and say "Your welcome!" and shut the door for her. Thus, my forgetfulness is miraculously transformed into a gentlemenly gesture that I would never have remembered to do in the first place. One of the rare instances where my absentmindedness actually pays off. I love this place!


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