Saturday, May 06, 2006

My mom met Bono

I presented all my final data this Friday to the CAPRISA staff. Its been stressful week with managing 4th year of medical school plans, trying to squeeze in important weddings and conferences in between away rotations, and gettting ready to go home for good. Lots and lots to think about.

The presentation went for about 2 hours and went well, I thought. Though I was mentally exhausted by the end of it. Kylie and I decided to have an easy Friday night and rented a movie, ate some bunnies (bean curry in a carved out piece of bread, an Indian/Durnan classic), and took it easy. I started feeling sick just before bed, and had chills and a fever all night. Was not a lot of fun. I never get sick, and here I am.

I woke this morning with a nasty headache and body ache. I wanted to check my email, and it hurt to look at the screen. But I found this great email from my mom, and it made me feel a lot better:

I got to meet Bono last night thanks to Karen and Phil! (my Aunt and Uncle) I went to a reception before he spoke to the World Affairs Council in Dallas.

I shook his hand and told him my son was doing aids research in s africa. he asked me your name and he said "I'll be thinking about cully wiseman, thank you for him." I said "thank you for all you are doing and for being here tonight." he said, "he is experiencing some hard things so thank you for cully."
He then gave a really fantastic presentation. I wish you could have been there.

How cool is that? Bono knows who I am. Sure, I imagine he forgot 2 minutes later as I'm sure people say stuff like that to him all the time. Regardless, it hit me at a time when I needed a little something to make me feel better.

My head still hurts and I still feel pretty crappy, but not as bad as I did.


At 5/11/2006 12:36:00 PM, Blogger Ali Ambrosio said...

What a cool story!

I found your blog through the expat directory. I just uploaded mine and had the pleasant surprise of being the first person from Mozambique.

I moved here last year to work as a consultant, and have started a business along with my boyfriend and a couple other friends. I used to work as director of an HIV prevention program at an NGO in Austin, TX before moving to Africa.

Keep well, I will be back to check out your stories.

At 5/17/2006 05:49:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I miss Sanbona! I guess the crazy french keyboard in Morocco is too much of a struggle to attempt a long post.

love you.


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