Saturday, December 24, 2005

Things you learn from uncles...

Apparently "heavier" wines like a cabernet sauvignon and a malbec are best let to age for 5-10 years before drinking. I gave my aunt and uncle a South African cabernet from 2000 and my uncle told me it would be best when I finish residency. At the rate I am going, they may no longer be around by the time I finish residency. Though, I hope for their sake, and mine, that they are. Anyway, lighter wines like a pinot noir and a shiraz do not need to be aged as long. The things you learn from uncles over Christmas.


At 12/27/2005 02:13:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have to say I am glad not to see any comments about what you learn from my dad! i.e. how to tell the longest story in the world. I had no idea you were a red wine person. You will be happy to know that Micheal and myself are red wine people. Your blog is facinating. Thank you for the bracelet. It is perfect! I will definately be checking in with you!


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