Friday, October 28, 2005

Halloween Costume

I thought that by coming to South Africa, I would be off the hook as far as trying to think up a creative, outlandish Halloween costume. I have had some decent costumes in the past, beginning with dressing up as Dr. Smith, our elderly pathology professor my first year of medical school (only funny to UTMB folks, sorry). Second year I was painted head to toe In multicolor latex body paint (thanks to Pooja and MD) and went as dermatome man. Last year, I spent hours in my garage putting together a Daniel-son Karate Kid shower costume. Complete with real looking water and a shower curtain.

How could I possibly out do the shower costume?

So this year, I figured would be a vacation from Halloween. Its not big here, so I wouldnt have to outdo my previous year's costumes. Then Kylie talked up all of my endeavors to a group of friends, and they asked what I would be wearing to the Halloween party this Saturday. I am kind of an all or nothing type of guy (for better or for worse...) so if I was going to do Halloween, I planned on doing it right. No cheap rent-a-costume of a monk or devil.

Kylie and I wracked our brains for something to be. It had to top the shower, and it had to happen fast. We talked and thought, and avoided the issue, came back to it, and thought some more. Then, just as we were falling asleep, Kylie came up with the idea. It was so brilliant, she didnt even realize it. She immediately dissmissed it as a joke, but I believed wholeheartedly that it was my only hope of topping last year. There was no turning back now.

So I am not going to tell you exactly what the costume is. Its still in the works, and there is a lot of work to do before Saturday night. Chances are, most South Africans will be terribly confused, and wonder who and what the hell we are. I will share the hint that its a two person costume, and that if I back out at the last minute, I will be a real weenie.

We'll take lots of pictures of ourselves and of confused South Africans. Its going to be great.


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